Custom Medical Illustrations for Legal Use

Presentation Group - Litigation Support

We are always designing new and exciting Medical-Legal Illustrations for our clients. Here is a sample of some of our latest work.

At The Presentation Group, we staff the very best Certified Medical Illustrators, who expertly combine art and medicine to develop accurate and compelling case-specific Medical-Legal Illustrations. The first stage of the process is to analyze medical reports, radiology films and any other necessary information in order to prepare these exhibits. After that, we will begin the actual illustration process. Only after every aspect of our work has been assured for quality and purpose do we allow our designs to be sent to production.

One of the unique things we do is take your client’s specific surgery, condition or injury – and add the personal touch of making your illustrations appear as a striking image of your client. Details like this often make a significant difference in the overall effectiveness of a legal exhibit. Throughout this process, our staff will work directly with experts, witnesses and your team to create the best Medical Illustrations the industry has to offer.

With over 20 years of professional experience, our medical illustrators have handled thousands of unique cases. We have also amassed a library of medical exhibits, which are always available for a competitive price.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our litigation support specialists who can assist you in building demonstrative exhibits for your next case.